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Publication Date : 24/09/2024

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25184.08963

Author(s) :

Ijinda Valentina Christian.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 1
(09 - 2024)

Abstract :

ABSTRACT This study investigates the influence of government interference on the effective management of universities in Rivers State, Nigeria. Politics and education are closely intertwined, with political decisions often impacting educational outcomes. The research specifically examines the extent to which political considerations affect the siting of universities, the appointment of council members, and overall university governance. Using a descriptive survey design, data were collected from 989 teaching and senior non-teaching staff across three public universities in Rivers State. The study employed a self-structured questionnaire and utilized statistical analysis to interpret the findings. Results indicate that political interference significantly influences the management of universities, often prioritizing political affiliations over merit and due process. This interference leads to challenges such as suboptimal siting decisions, the inclusion of unqualified individuals in key positions, and compromised academic standards. The study underscores the need for insulating university management from political influences to ensure decisions are made based on strategic planning and academic merit. The findings align with existing literature, highlighting the detrimental effects of political meddling on the quality and integrity of higher education. Recommendations include policy reforms aimed at enhancing transparency, merit-based appointments, and strategic decision-making to foster the growth and development of universities in Rivers State.

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Publication Date : 24/09/2024

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13702.18248

Author(s) :

Ijinda Valentina Christian.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 2
(09 - 2024)

Abstract :

ABSTRACT The study examined politics interference and effective management of universities in Rivers State, Nigeria. Three research objectives, three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study and the population of the study comprised of 4872 academic and senior non-academic staff in the three public universities in Rivers State. The instrument for data collection was the researcher’s self-structured questionnaire titled, ‘Politics interference and effective management of universities in Questionnaire (PIEAUQ)’. The instruments were validated for face and content validity by the supervisor and two research experts in the department of Educational Management. The overall internal consistency reliability coefficient of 0.91 was obtained. The data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The null hypotheses were tested using Z-test at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that there is no significant difference between the mean ratings of academic and non-academic staff on the influence of political interference in the appointment of principal officers for effective management of universities in Rivers State, Nigeria (Z1,922=-1, p=.1.96), amongst others. The study established that political interference in university funding and management in Rivers State is a pervasive and multifaceted issue, the researcher recommended the distribution of financial resources need to adhere to well-defined standards that prioritise academic and infrastructure requirements above political factors.

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Publication Date : 03/09/2024

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23114.79045

Author(s) :

Elechi C.E, Byron-Solomon Joy.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 1
(09 - 2024)

Abstract :

Abstract Suicide is a leading cause of death both globally, regionally and locally, with over 75% occurring in low-and middle-income Countries. This study evaluated gender as a determinant of knowledge and attitude towards suicide among Undergraduates in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. This study adopted the descriptive survey research design being that information is obtained through distribution of a questionnaire to undergraduate students in six tertiary institutions in Bayelsa State which includes; Federal University of Otuoke, Niger Delta University (NDU) Wilberforce Island, University of Africa, Toru-Orua, Federal Polytechnic, Ekowe, Bayelsa State College of Arts and Science, Elebele and Bayelsa State Medical University. Also participants were selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria set for the study. This design has been successfully utilized by Arnautovska, and Grad (2010) in a study on attitudes towards suicide in the adolescent population. As at the time of the study, the population of this study consists of all undergraduate students of universities in Bayelsa State. Using the Krejcie and Morgan (1970) table for sample size estimation. A total of 381 respondents were selected to participate in the study. But for the purpose of clarity and better representation of the total population the researcher employed 800 respondents to participate in the study. A self designed questionnaire was used for primary data collection. The data gathered was coded and analyzed through the Statistical Product for Service Solution (SPSS) version 25.0 and was presented on tables charts. The findings revealed that there was a significant difference in the knowledge of suicide among undergraduate in Bayelsa State based on gender (p-value = .000, p<0.05). The findings revealed that there was a significant difference in the attitude towards suicidal ideation among undergraduates in Bayelsa State based on gender (p-value = .000, p<0.05). Conclusions emerged this study that there was a significant deference in the knowledge of suicide based on gender, as well as a significant deference in the attitude towards suicidal ideation among undergraduates in Bayelsa State based on gender. Among others, the study recommended that the ministry of education at all levels (primary, secondary, and tertiary) should develop and implement educational programs aimed at increasing awareness about suicide prevention. These programs should focus on providing accurate information and dispelling myths surrounding suicide. Key Words: Gender, Determinant, Knowledge, Attitude, Suicide, Undergraduate, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

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Impact of Capital Mobilization on the performance of Agricultural Cooperatives Societies in Rivers State of Nigeria

Publication Date : 03/09/2024

DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.32342.25924

Author(s) :

Okere, Akara Udochi .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 1
(09 - 2024)

Abstract :

Abstract This study sought to assess the relationship between capital mobilization among agricultural cooperatives in rivers State and their performance between 2004 to 2018 . The following were the independent variables employed for this study: share capital, savings deposit, thrift savings, external loan debt, loan outstanding, capital assets while the dependent variable performance of cooperative enterprises was proxied by net-worth. The study employed quasi-experimental research design due to its suitability for dealing with multivariate explanatory variable relationship with a singular dependent variable. The nature of the data were secondary data which were sourced from the books of accounts and records of primary cooperative societies within the study area. Six (6) Agricultural cooperative enterprises selected from eight (8) local government area randomly made up the sample that represented the population of the study. Collated data from the 48 agricultural cooperative enterprises was arrange in panel data form and was analyzed using both STATA and E-views 9.0 software. The Im, Pesaran and Shin (IPS) stationary test showed that the variables in the study were stable at first difference. Similarly, the Kao and Pedroni cointegration test confirmed the presence of long run relationship among the variables employed in the study. The models were subjected to Fixed Effect, Random Effect Linear regression and Hausman Test. The findings showed Agricultural cooperatives in Rivers State mobilize capital mainly through share capital, internal loans, capital assets and thrift savings. They performed poorly on special deposits, internal equity capital and external loans.It also revealed that the impact of share capital, thrift savings, outstanding loans and capital assets were positive and significant on the Net-worth (performance) of Agricultural cooperatives in Rivers State while the impact of saving deposit and external loan debt were insignificant, negative and positive respectively. Thus, we can conclude that the impact of share capital, thrift savings and outstanding loans were significant in improving the financial performance of Agricultural cooperatives in Rivers States. On the basis of the empirical findings, the study recommended that the Directors of Cooperatives in Rivers State should provide specialized training and workshop for Agricultural cooperatives to equip them with the knowledge on how to efficiently build up their equity capital consistently. Keywords: Agricultural cooperatives, capital mobilization, networth, performance.

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Publication Date : 03/09/2024

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35802.56007

Author(s) :


Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 2
(09 - 2024)

Abstract :

Abstract The study investigated physical resources and effective instructional delivery in public universities in Rivers State. The study was guided by three research questions and three hypotheses. The design adopted for the study was a correlational research design. The population of the study was 3525 academic staff of the Universities in Rivers State. Sample size of 843 participants took part in the study. To determine the sample size Taro Yamene model was applied on each of the category. The stratified random sampling techniques was used to select the sample for the study. The instruments for data collection in this study was a researcher-designed questionnaire titled ‘Physical Resources Questionnaire (PRQ) and Effective Instructional delivery (EIDQ). Cronbach Alpha Method was used to determine the reliability coefficients of 0.78, 0.81 and 0.77 obtained for the various clusters of the instrument which showed the instrument was reliable. The data collected for the study were analyzed using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) formula to answer the Research questions and test the corresponding hypotheses. The study concluded that there is a positive relationship between the various physical resources and effective instructional delivery by academic staff of universities which is evident in universities in Rivers State. Physical resources such as classroom building, laboratories and libraries enhances effective instructional service delivery. It recommended among others that university management should allocate adequate funds for the construction, renovation, and maintenance of classroom buildings to ensure they meet modern standards and provide conducive learning environments. Keywords: Physical Resources, Effective Instructional Delivery, Classroom Buildings, Laboratories and Libraries

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Publication Date : 26/08/2024

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31035.63528

Author(s) :

ADEKANLE, Olukoya, Oluwakemi Lawanson, Helen Ifeoma Ugwu.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 1
(08 - 2024)

Abstract :

Abstract Purpose: An empirical analysis into the nexus between food production proxied by agriculture output, and government macroeconomic policies which encompasses the following explanatory variables; inflation rate (INFR), interest rate (INTR), exchange Rate (EXCR), credit to agriculture sector (CREAGR), government spending on agriculture sector in Nigeria (GOVEXPAGR) and foreign private investment in agriculture sector in Nigeria. Method: The study adopted the Ordinary Least Square estimation technique to examine the relationship between agriculture food production (i.e agric output), exchange rate, inflation rate, credit to agriculture sector, foreign investment in agriculture sector and government expenditure on agriculture. The hypotheses were verified with the use of T-test and Fisher F-test of significance. Pre-estimation tests such as Unit Root test, Auto-correlation test (Durbin Watson test), Cointegration test, Causality test, Correlation test were carried to ascertain suitability of formulated models for robustness. Similarly, post-estimation tests such as Cumulative Sum of Squares of the residual (CUSUM Squares) Tests were carried out to ascertain the stability of the models for forecasting purposes. Results: The findings showed that inflation rate in Nigeria is mild and increase agricultural productivity, although not statistically significant in the short run and not relevant in the long run. Also exchange rate and interest rate have direct relationship with food production which signifies that is the higher the exchange rate the higher would be the domestic agricultural output. In the same vein, government spending on agricultural sector and foreign private investment in agriculture sector have positive impact on the agricultural output and by implication, on food production in Nigeria. However, in the long run both foreign private investment in agriculture sector and government spending on the sector have inverse relationship which implies diversification of government fund and repatriation of profit and/or capital by foreign investors in the agriculture sector in Nigeria. Implications: Current macroeconomic policies does not attract foreign direct investment in the Agriculture sector of Nigeria thus the sector experience deficit in project growth rate despite favourable government spending and macroeconomic policies. Recommendation: Government should therefore engage agricultural stakeholders and put in place sound policies that would encourage foreign experts in the agriculture sector so that they can partner with Nigeria and Nigerians in order to enjoy the technological know - how in the sector. Exchange rate policy should be put in place to encourage exportation of agriculture output as well as to conserve foreign currency. Keywords: food production, Government expenditure, Exchange rate, Interest rate, inflation rate, macroeconomic variables

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Publication Date : 23/08/2024

Author(s) :

Nwisagbo, Ayodele Ebunolu, Ihua-Jonathan, Nwovuhoma.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 1
(08 - 2024)

Abstract :

ABSTRACT Societal and institutional involvement in educational administration is crucial for promoting enduring economic progress in Rivers State, Nigeria. The correlation between these contributions and their influence on the region's socio-economic environment is explored in this study. Analysis of research outcomes and academic sources highlights the significance of efficient school management, supported by society and institutions, in advancing sustainable economic development. Moreover, universities have emerged as pivotal entities in driving sustainable economic progress by means of research, creativity, and community interaction. Nevertheless, challenges like insufficient funding, infrastructural inadequacies, and socio-political turbulence present notable hindrances to the successful execution of these endeavors. Despite these obstacles, emphasizing the importance of societal and institutional contributions to educational administration remains crucial for attaining sustainable economic growth in Rivers State. This work emphasizes the vital role of societal and institutional backing in educational administration for sustainable economic development in Rivers State. Through tackling challenges and capitalizing on innovative approaches, stakeholders can collectively strive towards realizing the complete potential of education as a catalyst for economic advancement and societal welfare. Keywords: Development, Institution, School Management, Society, Sustainable Economy

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Publication Date : 06/08/2024

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20738.29122

Author(s) :

ADEKANLE, Olukoya, Hycenth Ajie, Samuel, Paabu Adda.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 1
(08 - 2024)

Abstract :

Abstract Purpose: Nigeria is blessed with enormous solid minerals deposit distributed extensively across the various parts of the country such as Columbite, Tin, Copper, Gold, Iron ore and Coal It is on this basis that the study aimed to examine the effect of solid minerals’ exports on economic growth in Nigeria. Method: The study used multiple regression models, employing time series data from the period 1981-2022. The center variables are Real gross domestic product as the dependent variable while solid minerals exports (SME), exchange rate (EXCR), interest rate (INTR) and the degree of trade openness(DTOP) are the independent variables. Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) technique was used to estimate the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The hypotheses were verified with the use of T-test and Fisher F-test of significance. Pre-estimation tests such as Unit Root test, Auto-correlation test (Durbin Watson test), Cointegration test, Causality test, Correlation test were carried out to ascertain suitability of formulated models for robustness. Similarly, post-estimation tests such as Cumulative Sum of Squares of the residual (CUSUM Squares) Tests were carried out to ascertain the stability of the models for forecasting purposes. Results: The result also confirmed a long run relationship between solid minerals exports and economic growth in Nigeria. It also revealed that exchange rate has positive and significant relationship with economic growth whereas interest rate has negative and significant relationship with economic growth. Trade openness also affects economic growth. Recommendation: The study recommended among others that The study recommended that the government should restructure the Nigeria Mining Corporation with legal powers to operate in the same way which the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation operates so as to boost its performance in the international market. The Federal government through the CBN should provide special support for indigenous companies in terms of creating an enabling environment and providing licenses for indigenous companies who intend to engage in the development and exploitation of solid minerals in Nigeria so as to bridge the gap in the production and supply chain of the solid minerals industry. Keywords: Solid Minerals Export, Trade Openness Exchange rate, Interest rate, inflation rate, Economic Growth

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Publication Date : 06/08/2024

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28078.32321

Author(s) :


Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 1
(08 - 2024)

Abstract :

ABSTRACT This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the impacts of climate change on the distribution and abundance of plant and animal species in Nigeria, highlighting the crucial interplay between environmental changes and biodiversity. The research employs an extensive literature review approach, synthesizing information from academic articles, government and NGO reports, and case studies. The focus is on understanding how altered climatic conditions due to global warming - such as changes in temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather events - are affecting Nigeria's rich and diverse ecosystems. Key findings indicate that climate change is leading to significant shifts in species distribution and abundance. Species adapted to specific environmental conditions are either migrating to more favorable areas or facing the risk of extinction due to habitat loss and changing ecological dynamics. The study reveals that these changes have profound impacts not only on ecological balance but also on the socio-economic fabric of Nigeria, particularly in communities heavily dependent on natural resources. Additionally, the research explores the efforts being made in Nigeria regarding adaptation and mitigation strategies in response to climate change. It assesses the effectiveness of these strategies in conserving biodiversity and promoting sustainable economic growth and development. The study emphasizes the need for robust policy interventions, increased research and monitoring, community engagement, and international collaboration to effectively address the challenges posed by climate change to Nigeria's biodiversity. In conclusion, the study underscores the urgent need for integrated and proactive approaches to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on biodiversity. It calls for enhanced conservation efforts, policy reforms, and global cooperation to preserve Nigeria's unique ecosystems and ensure the sustainability of its natural resources for future generations. This comprehensive assessment aims to inform policymakers, conservationists, and stakeholders, contributing to the global discourse on climate change and biodiversity conservation. Keywords: Climate change, distribution and abundance, plant, animal, species

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