Public and Private Collaborative Education Funding: A Necessity for Sustainable University Education in South-South Nigeria – IM Journals skip to Main Content

Public and Private Collaborative Education Funding: A Necessity for Sustainable University Education in South-South Nigeria

Publication Date : 02/07/2024

Author(s) :

Ihua-Jonathan, Nwovuhoma, Nwisagbo, Ayodele Ebunolu.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 1
(07 - 2024)

Abstract :

ABSTRACT The study examined public-private collaborative education funding: A necessity for sustainable university education in South-South Nigeria. The study design was descriptive, the population was 2000 heads of institutions, deans and heads of departments in public universities in south-south Nigeria and the sample consists of 220 respondents representing 11% of the population. A 20-item self -structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The instrument was duly validated by experts and 0.84 reliability index was established using Cronbach alpha. A criterion mean of 2.50 was use as a cut-off mark while mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. A t- test inferential statistics was used to test all null hypotheses at 0.05 level significance. Statistical analysis was done using the statistical package for social science, SPSS version 23. Findings of the study revealed that the respondents agreed that international bodies, donor agencies etc are entities for public-private collaborative funding while increase funding, improved infrastructure, learning processes etc are the impacts of public-private collaborative funding, and the challenges of public-private collaborative fundings includes; lack of fund, lack of accountability, resource imbalance etc. The study recommended among others that government and heads of higher institutions should identify corporate individuals and organizations who are willing to participate in public-private collaborative funding and that synergy between public and private entities should be encouraged in our university system so that the short-falls experienced by higher institutions as a results government not meeting up to expectations due to intense demands of the educational sector can be reduced. Keywords: Collaborative Funding, Private-Partnership, sustainable, University Education

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